Diapers, for trees
- Plums are easy from seed
- Cold strat in pits, then crack from seeds to plant in soil
- Once sprouted, plant out to pots!
- SI planting apples:
- Tremletts Bitter (Geneva)
- Porters Perfection
- Binet Rouge
- Brown Snout
- Piel de Sapa Goldrush
- Texas King Crab (Redbyrd Orchard)
- Pink Pearl
- Normanisch
- Winnals Langdon
- Some folk in QC using wild apples for cider
- Interesting to see how well these wild apples might graft
- Barry M is experimenting with pears for perry
- Skillcult is breeding pink apples
- Mushrooms!
- Oysters fruiting with early warm weather (February!)
- Indoor fruiting of lion’s mane on barley can be successful
- Wine-cap inoculation of wood chips under fruit trees
- How to keep these perpetuating?
- Wine-cap sawdust spawn from North Spore
- So many factors to fruiting mushrooms!
- If using hay, you can soak hay in a base solution to purify for oyster inoculation
- What if you left inoculated logs laying over water? To keep humidity high?
- If logging trees, inoculating stump would be an efficient way to stack functions

- Chickens!
- JH Raised Freedom Rangers for meat
- What about Cornish Cross?
- SI was running Freedom Rangers through an orchard
- Fermenting chicken feed; 3 day ferment
- JH had anecdotally heavier birds (20%!) on fermented feed vs. non-fermented feed
- Ensure feed is soaked, and covered with water for 3 days before feeding
- SI mentions that there have been experiments where chicken feed in feeders goes further than throwing it on the ground (less is lost)
- SI is running Freedom Rangers to improve the soil in young food forest aisles
- JH runs chickens through aisles of young food forest
- Brooder plans
- Assumed rooster ratio is 10:1
- Later summer / Fall seeding
- Will try white plastic tunnels
- Winter seeding with natives; throwing natives on top of the snow
- Snow / freezing can actually help with germination; moisture and soil contact
- Hot beds!
- Cold frame on top of a hot compost pile
- Capturing heat from the decomposition
- Good for propagation / early seed starting
- Possible to grow through the winter!
- Or keep figs + tomatoes alive through the year
- Needs to be properly insulated;
- Sawdust or waste wool would work
- Straw/hay bales would also work
- A bed of hot manure could be 3’x4’
- Great for growing out starts to get ready for planting out
- Idea: What about creating a biochar pit and using the heat from the burn to warm up and jump-start the compost pile?
- Water management
- Lots of trailering of water for livestock and tree watering
- Thinking about new water systems to make things more efficient
- Drip irrigation is efficient
- Tree diapers are an interesting innovation
- Could using waste wool for mulch help retain/replenish water?
- Wool as mulch; slugs don’t seem to like it